My Works & learnings

JS Learnings and SVG ViewBOX

October 23, 2019


This returns the HTML DOM. Useful in cases where body and html dimensitions differ.

SVG ViewBox

I wasted lot of time on a bug misinterpretting what ViewBox means.ViewBox is dimensions for SVG which translatex the pixels to SVG world. ViewBox has for attributes.

  1. minX Starting value of X
  2. minY Start ing value of Y
  3. Width
  4. Height
For example width = 30px height = 20px   and the ViewBOX is '0 10 30 20' then the dimensions is as below.
0,10         30,10
|            |    |        
|            |    |
|            |    30px   
|            |    |         
|            |    |         
0,30         30,30

------ 20px ----

Flex box pseduo selectors

If the DOM element with the display flex and it has pseduo after and before they also behave as flex box children.

Vishnu Sandhireddy

Written by Vishnu Sandhireddy who lives and works in Hyderabad, India. twitter